STAR Project Glenburn is launched
in STAR Project News November 28, 2017
We are delighted to announce the launch of STAR Project Glenburn! Having secured £56,964 from The Scottish Governments Aspiring Communities Fund we are now able to expand our Support, Equip, Include project, in partnership with Stronger Communities who have been making a real difference in Glenburn for the past couple of years.
After successfully delivering support services in the North End of Paisley for the past 17+ years, this expansion is a great opportunity to replicate our approach and further evidence the positive impact our universal relationship based model can have on our most vulnerable community members. Our Project will recognise social injustice and barriers to a better life, and more importantly, provide a platform for change in Glenburn.
'Support, Equip and Include' aims to work with community members facing barriers and challenges, facilitating a sense of hope, the recognition of potential, and a more inclusive community experience. With themes around confidence, parenting, well-being, volunteering and employability we plan to deliver a variety of one to one and group supports which have a responsive educational and cultural focus, empowering individuals to recognise what they need to feel better supported, more equipped, and truly included. Our wraparound support services and unique way of working allows us to see the person, not a label, not a statistic, which ultimately makes people feel safe, accepted, and valued.
Our Project will also facilitate resilience and cohesion in a more sustainable way, increasing aspiration as we work in parallel with the outcomes for Renfrewshire’s Community Plan, the local governments Tackling Poverty Action Plan, and it will complement Paisleys 2021 City of Culture bid. No other service in Renfrewshire, that we are aware of, supports community members in such an innovative, comprehensive and effective way.
The starting point for our expansion will be a Tuesday afternoon Drop-In, 12 to 3pm, within Glenburn Community Centre. Our accessible Drop-In model is at the heart of our North End Project, both physically and metaphorically, and we see no reason to assume it won’t be the same in Glenburn. What happens next is up to the local community members, STAR Project Glenburn belongs to them!
After successfully delivering support services in the North End of Paisley for the past 17+ years, this expansion is a great opportunity to replicate our approach and further evidence the positive impact our universal relationship based model can have on our most vulnerable community members. Our Project will recognise social injustice and barriers to a better life, and more importantly, provide a platform for change in Glenburn.
'Support, Equip and Include' aims to work with community members facing barriers and challenges, facilitating a sense of hope, the recognition of potential, and a more inclusive community experience. With themes around confidence, parenting, well-being, volunteering and employability we plan to deliver a variety of one to one and group supports which have a responsive educational and cultural focus, empowering individuals to recognise what they need to feel better supported, more equipped, and truly included. Our wraparound support services and unique way of working allows us to see the person, not a label, not a statistic, which ultimately makes people feel safe, accepted, and valued.
Our Project will also facilitate resilience and cohesion in a more sustainable way, increasing aspiration as we work in parallel with the outcomes for Renfrewshire’s Community Plan, the local governments Tackling Poverty Action Plan, and it will complement Paisleys 2021 City of Culture bid. No other service in Renfrewshire, that we are aware of, supports community members in such an innovative, comprehensive and effective way.
The starting point for our expansion will be a Tuesday afternoon Drop-In, 12 to 3pm, within Glenburn Community Centre. Our accessible Drop-In model is at the heart of our North End Project, both physically and metaphorically, and we see no reason to assume it won’t be the same in Glenburn. What happens next is up to the local community members, STAR Project Glenburn belongs to them!